Episode Ten

Hey there! Howdy! I’ve got to say it loudly: Thanks, Dan. I kind of arbitrarily foisted a nearly two-month hiatus on this thing! A function of moving across the country and starting work in a new industry… So… upon review of Dan’s notes… I see that this episode was about what we were listening to […]

Episode Nine

Greetings and salutations! Every time I think we’ve broken a record for the gap between recording and production of this podcast, new circumstances arrive that put that record to lie! Picture it… Victoria Day, 2023… some two-and-a-half weeks ago… which, in contemporary click-bait terms may as well have been an eternity. Anywho… or is that […]

Episode Eight

Hey there! From our vector of the Interwebs to yours, it’s the latest TNB/TTW! This time we’re spinning some yarns about artists we enjoy who are at the centre of multiple projects! We’ve got them preserved in digital silk for you to dig into! For my Interwebs crypto-dollar, this may be my favourite episode thus […]

Episode 7

Welcome to what was intended as an Easter Monday episode of the TNB/TTW! We’re coming at you fifteen days late… and counting… but, compared to what the Son of Man went through to return after three days, we’re doing a’ight… all things considered! Today… and by “today” I mean “this week” and/or “this month”… we […]

Episode 6

Welcome to Today New Brunswick… Episode the Sixth! We are crawling out of our skins to share this content with you… continuing our look at regional and local scenes… in this case going broad and mostly flat… as we discuss our prairie favorites… bands and scenes from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba… We’re stoked you’re joining […]

Episode Five

Hey hey, my my… something something! And possibly something else! It’s Episode the Fifth… which is to say our SIXTH outing… and we are here to… crow… about that… in our chats about Fave and/or New to Me in 23. Thank you muchly for checking in!! As per the usual, we have all these tracks […]

Episode Four

Welcome, welcome! We’re on the fifth episode of this wildness— AKA “Episode Four”— and this time it’s all about some of our favourite artists from Atlantic Canada… clocking in at over ninety minutes… this special, monster-sized episode is maybe the first of more episodes on the Maritimes scene(s)… This episode is in memory of Andrew […]

Episode Three

Hey, it’s our fourth episode! How’d that happen? Anyway, we’re stoked you’re here… This is our first in what will probably be a recurring series on our favourite regional or local scenes… today we start with beautiful… weird… and expensive… British Columbia! From the East Kootenays to Haida Gwaii… #bogmonstermusic Click here for a YouTube […]

Episode Two

Thank you for creeping here to join us! On our first episode of 2023, we looked back at artists who were significant to us in 2022… who didn’t necessarily have a major release! Dan is to thank for the topic, and Matt is to thank for the tech delays which held this up for a […]

Episode One

Welcome to the second episode! We’re glad you’ve joined us… This weekend we talked about five bands that made us, for better or for worse. Thanks as ever, Dan, for the compelling topic! Please click below, as per your preferences… As previously, we have a YouTube playlist to go with the episode… Dan’s Notes I […]
