Episode 18

Howdy, and thanks for joining us!! On this episode of the TNB, we’re all about comedy albums… and that’s no joke!! Waits for applause. And waits… Phew… tough crowd… ANYWHO… far be it for us to deny you links for clicking! And… allow me to say… as somebody who does two podcasts, one of which […]

Episode 19

Folks, it’s Easter Sunday… and I’ll be danged if we’re not getting out at least one more… LONG-GESTATING episode of the TNB… to wit… a much-delayed… or SERIOUSLY FREAKING EARLY… Black History Month special… dealing with black punk… metal… and other heavier guitar-based music!! We are pysched to the exact extent that this episode is […]

Episode 20

Boo-urns, Matt Stranach!! What in the actual feck, Matt S? You prefer Dr. S? Go take a long walk off a short pier! So… due entirely to circumstances owned by me… we’ve had three episodes recorded this long 2024 so far! So… in an act of stunt production… contrition… and RAPID INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PRACTICES… for […]

Episode Seventeen

Greetings and salutations! We’re glad you’re here for the latest TNB/TTW shenanigans! As we plummet towards the end of the year like pilots ejected from planes and hoping for a safe landing, we thought we’d send you some of our favorite albums from what was a surprisingly(?) solid year for music! Please click below as […]

Episode Sixteen

Come all ye (un-)faithful! Welcome to the first of two “2023 in retrospective” type episodes! In this outing, we’re looking at some of the artists who left this earthly plane over the past fifty one-and-a-half weeks! Please click below as per your preferences! Audio is like video without our handsomeness! #bogmonstermusic Please be sure to […]

Episode Fifteen

Holy cow! In 50-odd weeks of this malarkey, we’ve made it this far! That’s like 1.363636363636364 episodes per month! How do we do it? We are masters of efficiency! And we are very handsome! It’s so easy when everyone’s trying to please us, baby… Uh… In one corner we have Dan talking about some his […]

Episode Fourteen

Good early (early!) morning! It’s 04:03 on the first workday post-Thanksgiving weekend… and exactly one day after the last episode went out into the world… it’s a new strategy… leveraging neuroses and insomnia for the benefit of this podcast! This episode is called “Late to the Party”! And it’s all about artists we discovered late […]

Episode Thirteen

Howdy and good evening! I’m trying a new thing! I’m writing MY notes for this episode BEFORE WE ACTUALLY RECORD THE EPISODE! That is some wild stuff in my world! It is Friday and I’m a nerdy middle-aged man… the less said in that regard the better, come to think of it! This is an […]

Episode Twelve

It’s the fall, y’all! As we descend into the perennial void of decomposition and decay, it’s worth asking: What have Dan and Matt been listening to lately? Since you absolutely can’t get your autumn on without the answer, we’ve got here a couple of media links! We trust you can click below and from there […]

Episode Eleven

Yup, it’s more of the same! But also different! Really, you’re getting off easy… Let’s be real… I have PROFESSIONAL COLLEAGUES over at the EDUCATION podcast who have been waiting for a danged long time as well… CAUSE I’M A PROFESSIONAL WITH A JOB NOW WEE-HEE HOO HOO HO HO HA *Clunk* Uhhh… According to […]
