Three or Four Things

Photo by Alexis Mette on Unsplash

It’s been… to use an expression… a Week Among Weeks.

Often is the time, including now, that I really & truly wonder about this strange need to write in public in some way. SMH.

But… it feels appropriate to mention a few things on the Education blog.

Definitely it has been tough to think on my educational practice in light of recent events. I felt at a disadvantage most of the time in my previous role… like I was always on my back foot; in reactive mode, rather than being able to be truly proactive. That is my recollection… and mine alone…

Humbled, with gratitude

In one amazing instance, I am grateful to say… the work which attended being part of the Thompson Rivers University Faculty Association (TRUFA) Decolonization, Reconciliation, and Indigenization Standing Committee (DRISC)… felt at the time… over four years… like the right thing for me to be involved in… to the extent that my presence was wanted and/or considered helpful. I am grateful for the professional and personal kindnesses extended by DRISC Chair(s)… and Canada Research Chairs… Dr. Shelly Johnson / Mukwa Musayett… and Dr. Lisa Bourque Bearskin… and all the other faculty, staff, students, and members of the wider community who were involved in the Committee in any way.

On Saturday this past weekend Dr. Johnson and others representing DRISC met at Nandi’s Flavours of India for some excellent food… and I was given these gifts.. which are, without question, the best, most excellent, meaningful recognition I’ve received as an educator… superlatives fail…


I guess… as far as it goes… I’ve reached an agreement with my Landlord to renew my apartment for the foreseeable future… which provides a stability and framework for the notion of… I fucking shudder to use the word pivot… but I’ve been describing it as a Creative Sabbatical… which is the cheesiest, most privileged, inane concept that I could imagine for this stage of my life, thanks… and yet… and there is certainly an and yet…

Writing School has accepted lamer people than me. Probably.

And three years on an MFA… whilst ostensibly looking for a Proper Job in Education Befitting of My Experience and Credentials… is basically a commitment to remain in place… which is, of course, to the benefit of my kids… at the very least there is no LESS chance of getting published… and the very worst case scenario… I end up in 3 years with even MORE (!) unpublishable slush… age 47… which would still be enough to find some small, limited-responsibility type role… in some area of government or in the private sector… WITH A PENSION… (was that a bit loud?) and then just grind away until age 65/70… and/or take 80% of a full pension… and/or buy up additional pension time when hired… etc…

If the MFA fails to work… as in… if all 3 institutions I’m applying to fail to let me in… then I will apply to 3 institutions to get whatever credential is needed to teach English to newcomers in Canada… MA in TESOL or whatever… because the English classroom was ultimately very good to me… and I feel like I could have done what I was doing in the early phase of my career maybe longer than I did…

According to my very limited knowledge of math, I can afford to go to writing school

Furthermore, my son’s Grade Seven Graduation last Wednesday was so frigging cool. Considering all the ups and downs and chaos of the last year for both my kids… he walked out there cool, confident, surrounded by his friends… the best kid in the school at basketball… got a certificate for “always entertaining friends with a story”… the boys’ Mom and I were 95% good to each other… which considering everything lately was absolutely great.

So… what’s happening now… beyond any specific need or desire to contribute to the educational space…

I’m deeply proud of both my kids for how well they’ve handled the ups and downs and bumps of this past year. The teachers at my kids’ French Immersion school are all fantastic educators… as is the Principal… and everyone else there…

I’m committed to remaining at least 50% of the time in Kamloops… unless an Undeniable Job jumps out… which is EXACTLY how my past three jobs showed up… #undeniable

And I will / may / possibly… be giving myself official permission to slouch around my apartment for the next three years… to pursue a project of questionable literary value #livingthedream

If you see me hunched over in Starbucks, please feel free to try waking me up… gently, of course…

As ever, you are all excellent, thoughtful, discerning people. Thank you kindly for stopping in.

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