Category: Uncategorized

  • Toward a Program of Study

    Toward a Program of Study

    Before six-thirty this morning, I was already wishing the day were over. There’s no way to avoid hurting people in this life, I guess? I mean… I don’t know what I mean… so between this and that text, email, and phone call… I mean, this day was ringing my bell… but through the blasted hours……

  • Three or Four Things

    Three or Four Things

    It’s been… to use an expression… a Week Among Weeks. Often is the time, including now, that I really & truly wonder about this strange need to write in public in some way. SMH. But… it feels appropriate to mention a few things on the Education blog. Definitely it has been tough to think on…

  • Why and How

    Why and How

    Thursday, March 24 Today was all about trying to get the concept for these blogs pinned down, and re-learning how to use some common apps and media, notably Audacity. I’ve had a few moments in recent months where I’ve wondered if the doctorate in education was worth it. This has been the source of much…
